Auguri dal Presidente mondiale dell’ISGF
Pubblichiamo il messaggio augurale di Natale e buon anno inviati anche al MASCI da Mida Rodrigues, Presidente mondiale dell’ISGF.
Dear members from ISGF Dear friends,
The year is coming to an end… This was the year of the Sub-Regions and the seven of them had very successful gatherings as well as one region, the ASPAC Region.
Though our members all over the world developed their skills and enjoyed the time they were together, many sad events troubled deeply our society but I would like to wish all of you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016 full of projects and peace.
In this season I also wish all my friends a Holy Christmas full of love and understanding especially for the ones that are near us.
We must get ready for the challenges that next year will bring us.
The “Our Kit” to start to use it at the Guild’s meetings and organising activities to collect funds to support the HAITI project and don’t forget that ISGF needs your expertise, feel in the form and become a ISGF expert/volunteer.
Enjoy this INFO and hope to meet you next year.
Yours in Fellowship
Mida Rodrigues